Last night was the final class of this quilt. I have been machine quilting the quilt all week and was not finished with it but it was finished enought that I could work on my borders. We used a product called Borders Made Easy. This is like paper piecing. You take this roll of printed paper with a design on it and attach it to your border and just sew on the lines. Easy peasy! Great product. I will use it again soon. Once we had one side of our borders quilted we then learned how to use a tool put out by EZ Quilting and Darlene Zimmerman called the Easy Scallop. This tool allows you to mark scallops from 4" to 12". If I knew it was this easy to do scalloped borders I would have done it 2 years ago when I made that quilt...I've been waiting that long to finish that quilt. I haven't finished this quilt yet but will be working on it this week and showing you pictures soon. I don't know how our dear departed ancestors did their quilting without all these wonderful tools and gadgets we have nowadays- they must have been alot more resourceful than us!
I have a sewing guild meeting tonight and won't get to work on my quilt. I am so excited about this quilt I can't wait to get home and sew. That is such a good feeling to have again. Gotta go for now, til next time....
Teaching Beginner Color
3 weeks ago
Looking forward to seeing it. Think I will have to find someone to show me the easy way to do things
I'll be looking for pictures!
Thanks for the review of the scalloped border friend has it and I am going to ask to borrow it for a quilt I just finished and want to add scalloped borders!
I bought some of the Borders Made Easy but haven't tried it yet. Great to see a ringing endorsement. Did you sew it with feed dogs down or up?
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