So, my goals for February were:
Quilt & Bind the Red Scrap Quilt - didn't get done...
Quilt & Bind the Brown Bow Tie Quilt - didn't get this one done either.
Quilt & Bind the Christmas Star Tablerunner-Done 02-07-13
Bind my Thimbleberries Garden quilt, binding is sewn on but needs to be hand stitched down.
I only got one of my goals done for the month. I did sew the binding on my Thimbleberries quilt last night but I haven't hand stitched the back down yet. I want to finish this one on Sunday if I can so it will go on my March list....
Goals for March:
1. Bind my Thimbleberries Garden quilt
2. Quilt and Bind the Brown Bow Tie Quilt
3. Quilt and bind the Red Scrap quilt.
4. Quilt and bind the 2nd D4P quilt
Ok, there's my list...I am making myself accountable and by making this short list each month I'll be focused on these items. I'll be linking up with Judy Laquidera for the Get it Done Challenge. If you are up for a challenge, check out her site and join us....Til next time, happy stitching!
Welcome to 2025
5 days ago
I only got one of my goals for this month done also... I have yet to post about it also
You may not have done all you wanted, but you did get a lot done. Have fun in March
I would say that's quite a challenge - getting your list for March done. I hope you're enjoying the process and not worrying too much about finishes.
Progress is progress, even if you didn't get all the goals done. Good luck with your March goals.
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