Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Some fun, quick and easy finished projects!

Here are some projects that I've been working on last week.  I finished this quilt  and I really like it.  I don't normally like square quilts but I like this one because of the beautiful flower fabric on it.  It really looks like Fall to me. 

Here's three other table runners I finished.  These are for Christmas this year. I'll keep one and give the other two to my sweet daughter-in-laws. 

These are the table runners I made at the guild workshop I went to on Saturday last weekend.  This pattern is referred to as a 10 minute or 15 minute table runner and is by Utah State University.  There is a link to the pattern on the bottom right of my blog in the tutorial section.  This is a fun and easy pattern to make and you can use holiday fabric. I plan on making a St. Patrick's Day runner also so I'll show you that one when it is done. 
This is the other item I made at the guild workshop. It is a handy basket made from fabric and was quick and easy to make.  I plan to make more of these also. 
That's all for now, more to come later.  Have a good week, happy stitching.

Monday, February 13, 2017

I went to a workshop Saturday with my quilt guild. There was about 25 of us and we did two projects.  We made a handy basket and an easy 15 minute table runner.  It was a lot of fun and I plan on making a lot more so I can use up some of my scraps. I've done the table runner before and it is fun and quick to make.  It is the table runner by Utah State and there is a link on the right side of my blog down below.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Old Mystery quilt finally together and ready to quilt!

I went to a retreat this weekend with several friends and I was able to finally finish this quilt top.  This was a mystery quilt from years ago. It has been in my closet forever and I finally finished the last three blocks and put the top together.  I decided it needed a solid color border and a piano key border for the outside.  It takes a lot of time to do the piano key border but it was well worth the effort.  Now to quilt it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I'm back and here are two projects to show you-Carpenter Star and Pink Scrap Quilt

Hello, I'm back. I didn't realize it had been so long since I had posted on my blog.  I post every month on the other blog I do for my quilt group (Sew What's)....This has been a hard year for me.  I've just done what I needed to do. I have been feeling bad all year so I've only done what I was required to do....My computer has been giving me trouble too and I've been fighting with it alot too. I almost decided to quit blogging but I went back and looked at what I have done over the years and it helped me to remember, I decided it was important that I continue to blog.  I have been working on alot of things but I haven't finished alot of things yet.  I am in several swaps and they are going on all year..I am working on alot of scrappy quilts just so I can not waste any of my scraps.  I've felt overwhelmed but I'm getting over that and just trying to enjoy my sewing and quilting again. 

Here are two quilts I have finished this year.  I finished this one a few weeks ago and gave it to my niece. Her favorite colors are turquoise and brown so that's why I made her this one.  This pattern is by Debbie Maddy of Calico Carriage.  I took a workshop earlier in the year and made me a quilt top out of this pattern and I'll be quilting it soon.  I looked and looked through my patterns and books until I remembered I had this pattern and thought it would do good for the fabrics I bought for her.  Anyway, I did this one and Jeni loves it.  I think it turned out pretty good.  I'm going to probably make another one too for my sister (her Mom). I like this pattern because you can use fat quarters for it. I bought yardage and I have enough to probably make two quilts. so I might make me one too..We'll see...

This is the Carpenter Star pattern.

This is just a little scrap quilt I finished.  I'm going to keep it for my new grandbaby coming in December.

That's it for now, more to come later.  

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Snowman quilt top - All Bundled Up

I made this top today for the quilt shop.  It is called All Bundled Up and is a pattern by Debbie Mumm.  The fabric is also her fabric line.  This was fun and easy to make.

Here's a close up of the snowmen.  So cute.

Friday, October 30, 2015

A baby quilt for little Elizabeth

I made this scrappy quilt for a new little person.  Elizabeth was born October 15th to my friends Marion and Joey.  Marion's theme for her nursery was Winnie the Pooh but I couldn't find any Winnie the Pooh fabric in time for her gift so I just used some of my scraps. I apologized for not making a Winnie the Pooh quilt and I was pleasantly surprised and tickled by Joey. He said he was so glad to get a normal quilt and he really liked it.  He was glad it wasn't Winnie the Pooh. A sweet couple with a beautiful little girl....

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Getting ready for Christmas with a little wall hanging-Spruce It Up

I made this cute little wall hanging last week and showed it at my quilt meeting.  This is called Spruce It Up and is a 3 D pattern designed by Jackie Robinson of Jackie's Animas Quilts.  It was a fun but challenging little quilt to make.  Below is a closer view of the quilt.

More Christmas to come soon.  I hope you enjoy your week and get some crafty time in.  Til next time, happy stitching.

Civil War BOW

Civil War BOW
Barbara Brackmen does it again! A weekly Block of the week. Comes out every Saturday!

May for Me!


Tell It To The Stars

Tell It To The Stars

Judy's Scrap Challenge 2014

To Recall The Fight For Women's Rights

Civil War Quilts by Barbara Brackman

Slow Sunday Stitching

Slow Sunday Stitching
Relax and stitch

Getting It Done Challenge

Getting It Done Challenge
2013 is the year I want to get it done! How about you? Are you up for a challenge?

Small Quilt Talk

Stash Manicure

Rainbow Scrap 2014


Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2012

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2012
Angela's Doing It Again This Year!

Friday Night Sew In

Handmade by Heidi


Disappearing 9 Patch QAL

Christmas with Lesley

April Get It Done Challenge List

  • Make 30 floating four patch blocks
  • Bind the scrappy half square triangle quilt-Done.
  • Quilt and Bind the Purple/Gold tablerunner
  • Put the Civil War blocks together-Top is Done!

Free Motion Quilting Challenge for 2012

A Few Scraps Quilt Along

Christmas Through the Year

Thimbleberries Sew Day!


Bingo during May For Me

Getting It Done Challenge List

  • March Challenge List
  • Bind my Thimbleberries Garden Quilt-done 03-05-13
  • Quilt & Bind the Brown Bow Tie Quilt - done- 03-11-13
  • Quilt & Bind the Red Scrap Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the 2nd D4P Quilt
  • .
  • February Challenge List
  • Bind my Thimbleberries Garden Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the Brown Bow Tie Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the Red Scrap Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the Red & White Christmas tablerunner-done

Autumn Block Party by the Quilting Gallery

Glorious Autumn Block Party and Super Deals for Quilters

Christmas QAL


Year of the Pig Wednesdays

Pat Sloan

Patchwork & Quilting Radio - Hosted by Pat Sloan.

Breast Cancer Site

Breast Cancer Site
Click here to give someone a free mammogram

Sew Cal Gal's AccuQuilt GO! Ahead and Show Some Love Blog Hop

Christmas Quilt Show by SewCalGal

Verse of the Day

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 6:23 Listen to chapter

Powered by

Moose on the Porch Star QAL

Little feet calendar

Scrappy Challenge-Scrappy Saturdays

Positive Thoughts to Brighten our Journey

Little Miss Shabby blog

Free Motion Quilting Project-2011

Free Motion Quilting Project

Mystery Monday Button


Free BOMs over at Ellies Quilt Place

Amy's BOM Website

2010 BOM from Amy

UFO Challenge 2011

2011 UFO Challenge List

  • 1. 30's Sampler..I'm still working on this one!
  • 2. English Paper Piecing Baby Quilt-A Little of This A Little of That-flimsy completed 02-04-11, ready for quilting!
  • 3. Scrappy BOM - Flimsy completed 01-28-11, ready for quilting!
  • 4. Purple Stack and Whack- flimsy is together, ready for quilting
  • 5. Blue 9 Patches - flimsy is together, ready for quilting
  • 6. The Moose Quilt-still in pieces.
  • 7. Row By Row Quilt, quilted-binding is on but needs to be sewn down.
  • 8. Hexagon Magic- flimsy completed 02-01-11, ready for quilting!
  • 9. Santa Claus Quilt-ready for quilting.
  • 10. Hand Pieced Stars

2010 Finishes!!!

  • Nov 21-Oh, My Stars!
  • Oct 18- Boo Quilt
  • Oct 10 - Christmas Tree Quilt
  • Oct 10 -Turning Twenty (30's Repro) Quilt
  • Sept 25- Baked Alaska-quilt top for LQS
  • Sept 25 -Table Manners
  • Sept 20 - Dear Blanche
  • Sept 15 -Funny Flowers
  • Sept 7- Pink Toile Nursery Rhyme Quilt top for Carolyn
  • August 16- Plaid Teddy Bear
  • August 16-Red Heart Tablerunner
  • August 9 - Mother Goose
  • July 27-Autumn Braid Tablerunner
  • February 27- I Love to Fly-donation quilt
  • Feb 20 - Warm Fuzzies-Donation Quilt
  • Feb 7 - My Sewing Friends Quilt
  • Feb 1 - Nostalgic Garden Quilt
  • January 25 - Love Pillowcase for Alayna
  • January 12 - Pillowcases for Thomas Quilt

Quilting Bloggers

Whoop-Whoop Friday

Moda Bake Shop

Moda Bake Shop

Lynette Anderson's BOM

Photobucket-Dallas Quilt Show 2011

Free Quilt Patterns

I'm a slow poke too!

The Dear Jane Quilt

Great site for Crazy Quilt Patchwork


First Friday Freebie

Quilts For Kids Website


Linda-Quiltville block

Linda-Quiltville block

Fat Cat Patterns


Great tips of all kinds!

The Kind Hearted Pledge

Bargello Bowl

A Quiltville Mystery Quilt

Carolina Crossroads

Orange Crush

Double Delight - I want to make this one too...soon.

Carolina Christmas-I want to make one soon

A Tisket A Tasket BOM 2009

2009 Christmas Quilt for Patchalot Patterns

Christmas Sparkler 2008

Christmas Sparkler 2008
Free Pattern from Patchalot

My Word Cloud

Wordle: Untitled

My Rainbow

Your rainbow is intensely shaded green, white, and blue.


What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Charity Quilter

Charity Quilter

Jennifer Chiaverini Book Giveaway

Jennifer Chiaverini Book Giveaway
Click here to comment and enter the giveaway. Last day to enter is Nov. 30th!