Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you and your families have a blessed holiday. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

My Quilt Group Christmas Party

Ah, Christmas parties, I love them.....We had great food and a fun time. This is one of the cookie displays on the tables.  Every table had two  boxes of decorated cookies. They were so cute...

We were told to bring a Christmas quilt to show and it didn't matter if it was new or old or if we had ever shown it before. So, I brought my Christmas present quilt to show and it is now on my wall at the house behind the Christmas tree.  I love this quilt.  It was all over blogland last year. I started this one and worked on after Christmas last year but just recently finished it so I could use it for this Christmas.

My friend, Glenda with her favorite Christmas quilt.  This was a Pizza box project.  She made one of these blocks and dressed the gingerbread man and gave these out to others in our group. They made the gingerbread block and dressed them whichever way they wanted to.  This is a very sweet quilt.

This is Karen hiding behind her quilts.  These two quilts were her starter quilts. Her sister worked with her to make these quilts and got her hooked on quilting!

Linda and some of her Christmas quilts.

Rita made a toilet seat cover for her new bathroom!  The D stands for her last name not some other word you might think! 

Here's her Sunbonnet Sue Christmas quilt.  This was a Turning Twenty pattern.

Diana made this small chenille quilt. It has 4 layers of the same print and you sew them together and cut all the layers except the last one and it fuzzes out. 

She also made these Christmas hand towels.

This isn't  a Christmas quilt but it's a beauty anyway and it's going to Sharon's sister as kind of a present so, it counts too.

Martha made this redwork quilt a long time ago and it's still one of her favorites.

Here's Martha's snow man quilt. We had an exchange last year and swapped snowmen.  Mine is still on my stack to be quilted....I hope to get it quilted soon.

This is the Pajama Queen's (Diana) stocking quilt. She wore her red pajamas to the meeting and I kidded her all night...

Susan made this stocking for her grandson.

Here's some baby quilts for her new grand babies.

This is the first swag border she's done and she liked it...

This is Judy's Christmas Poinsettia Star.

Judy and Diane were in charge of the summer blocks this year and they were thinking about Jacob's Ladder blocks.  They decided not to do this one but Judy liked it enough to make this little quilt.  I like it too.

Sally made this one for a new  great grandbaby.

Nancy made this one...

As you can see, we have a lot of talented ladies in our group.  It was fun to see all the Christmas quilts and projects and I hope you enjoyed seeing these too. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. 

Christmas Crafts

I did some crafting yesterday. I've been doing yo yos for a few days to put together this little Yo Yo tree.  I was pleased with it but couldn't find the star I had saved from my ornaments to put it on top. I'm still searching for it...

I also made this little peppermint wreath. I saw this on Facebook and just had to make one.  This  was fun to make and easy to make. The grandkids came over and saw it and loved it.  Quick and easy and can be taken apart later to eat and not store.....

This last one I didn't make.  It is a Christmas postcard I got in the mail from my friend Shirley. She taught us how to make these fabric postcards a few years ago and she's still doing them. I love this one and I think I'll start making them again after the holidays. It was fun getting this one in the mail. 

That's all I have time for now but I'll post some more tonight or tomorrow. I have some pictures to show you of my quilt group's Christmas party. I didn't win the blocks but had a good time anyway....
Til next time, happy stitching!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Christmas block, some community service and a little bit of knitting.

Tuesday night I made my Christmas block for our group.  Since I made the block, my name will be put into a drawing to win other blocks like this.  This was a fun block to do. This will be turned in tonight at our Christmas party....I hope I win, I like this block a lot.

Last night, I had to fix some dishes for my husband to take to work today for his Christmas party.  I mixed up a batch of brownies and a Broccoli cheese casserole. While these were cooking, I decided to finish up some pillows I made for breast cancer patients.  I stuffed these and finished them up. Here's six pillows for community service....I give these to the hospital I work for but also give some to our group and they are passed onto the American Cancer Society for them to pass out to breast cancer patients.  We will be working on these in February next year to give to them...

I've also been making/knitting washcloths for a friend of mine.  She asked me to make her 24 washcloths.  I've done 14 so far...here's some of them. the top one was crocheted but all the others were knitted.  I'm bored with these and not sure if I'll do all the twenty four... I'm also working on more scarves and have three of those going right now and have more to do for Christmas presents.  Not enough time to do it all!  I'm quickly running out of time! 

So far, that's all I have for today but I'm going to my Christmas party tonight and we are all supposed to bring Christmas quilts to show. So, I'll be taking pics and share those with you soon.  til next time, happy stitching.

Monday, December 16, 2013

I finished my Christmas present quilt this weekend.  I'm so excited to display this for Christmas.  I will be putting it behind my Christmas tree but not until after this Thursday night.  Thursday night is my quilt group's Christmas party and we were asked to bring Christmas quilts to show and tell. This one's going to that first.  I made this earlier in the year but just finished quilting it last week and binding it Saturday night or should I say Sunday morning around 1:30...Anyway, here's my Christmas quilt and I named it Sew Many Presents.
Sunday afternoon, I put the binding on this little quilt. This one will go for community service. This was just a little panel and I just quilted it and bound it....I thought it was cute and some little person might like it.

I hope you had a good weekend and got some craft/sewing time in. I'm working on Yoyos for a small Christmas tree and I'll show you that when it's finished.  Til next time, happy sewing!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Some finishes for December

Hello everyone and happy holidays. Yes, my posts have been very sporadic this year and I apologize. We have had so many changes at home, it is hard to even think about blogging.  We have had a lot of power outages at the house due to weather, wind or whatever excuse the Electric people can think of. I've had to reset my computer, clocks and everything else so many times, I've just about quit doing it.  Yes, I have a lot of excuses for not blogging but  I still plan on it so please bear with me if you will.  I have been busy elsewhere and I have a lot of finishes to show you...

So, I'll try to catch up some now and a little later too.
I did finish binding my little quilt I showed you in my last post and it is so cute.  Here's the finished product.
I quilted this little quilt next. This is just a small wallhanging. I got the pattern out of an older but precious book from Little Quilts.   I love these books as they have so many quick and easy projects to do that give you satisfaction quickly....

Next on my list is a quilt I made all from scraps from another quilt. This pattern was called Le Jardin and it was very simple to do too. 


This one is a Yellow Brick Road quilt I made for my youngest grandson.  This one has animals on it and will fit his twin bed. I should have taken a picture of the back of the quilt but you would not have been able to see anything else after that as it would have put your eyes out...It is bright yellow animal print but I think he'll love it.

I made this one up from a panel. I'll give this one to my youngest granddaughter.

These pillows are for my oldest grandson's bedroom. He has animal prints and horns and skulls all over his room and I think he'll like these.

I made a large iron caddy for me so I can take my iron to retreats with me.

This is a small quilt I did for community service.  It turned out so sweet.

On Friday, last week, Dec 6th, we had ice here in Texas and it was so bad that I got to stay home and have a rest day.  My electricity was off for 22 hours but I had my little ott light and a great fireplace and I sat around the fireplace and knitted the two scarves in the middle and right.  I finished the scarf on the left side last night and it is a Christmas gift for a friend I'll be seeing tonight.  The silver scarf is a gift for one of my Doctors and the brown, furry one is a gift for my oldest granddaughter.  These are so fun and easy to make. I've just stared another one and I have about six more to do for gifts for the office.  I'll show you those when they are all done.

I made this sweet little man Sunday. He stands about 18" tall and was fun to make. I have been pulling stuff out of my stash and trying to finish things I've been wanting to make for years.  Why?  No reason, just needed easy things to do when my inspiration was lacking....Anyway, I do have some other finishes to show you but that's all I have time for right now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and you are not too stressed out yet. 

So, happy holidays and I'll show you more later this week. til next time, happy sewing!

Civil War BOW

Civil War BOW
Barbara Brackmen does it again! A weekly Block of the week. Comes out every Saturday!

May for Me!


Tell It To The Stars

Tell It To The Stars

Judy's Scrap Challenge 2014

To Recall The Fight For Women's Rights

Civil War Quilts by Barbara Brackman

Slow Sunday Stitching

Slow Sunday Stitching
Relax and stitch

Getting It Done Challenge

Getting It Done Challenge
2013 is the year I want to get it done! How about you? Are you up for a challenge?

Small Quilt Talk

Stash Manicure

Rainbow Scrap 2014


Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2012

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2012
Angela's Doing It Again This Year!

Friday Night Sew In

Handmade by Heidi


Disappearing 9 Patch QAL

Christmas with Lesley

April Get It Done Challenge List

  • Make 30 floating four patch blocks
  • Bind the scrappy half square triangle quilt-Done.
  • Quilt and Bind the Purple/Gold tablerunner
  • Put the Civil War blocks together-Top is Done!

Free Motion Quilting Challenge for 2012

A Few Scraps Quilt Along

Christmas Through the Year

Thimbleberries Sew Day!


Bingo during May For Me

Getting It Done Challenge List

  • March Challenge List
  • Bind my Thimbleberries Garden Quilt-done 03-05-13
  • Quilt & Bind the Brown Bow Tie Quilt - done- 03-11-13
  • Quilt & Bind the Red Scrap Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the 2nd D4P Quilt
  • .
  • February Challenge List
  • Bind my Thimbleberries Garden Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the Brown Bow Tie Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the Red Scrap Quilt
  • Quilt & Bind the Red & White Christmas tablerunner-done

Autumn Block Party by the Quilting Gallery

Glorious Autumn Block Party and Super Deals for Quilters

Christmas QAL


Year of the Pig Wednesdays

Pat Sloan

Patchwork & Quilting Radio - Hosted by Pat Sloan.

Breast Cancer Site

Breast Cancer Site
Click here to give someone a free mammogram

Sew Cal Gal's AccuQuilt GO! Ahead and Show Some Love Blog Hop

Christmas Quilt Show by SewCalGal

Verse of the Day

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” -2 Corinthians 5:21 Listen to chapter

Powered by BibleGateway.com

Moose on the Porch Star QAL

Little feet calendar


Scrappy Challenge-Scrappy Saturdays

Positive Thoughts to Brighten our Journey

Little Miss Shabby blog

Free Motion Quilting Project-2011

Free Motion Quilting Project

Mystery Monday Button


Free BOMs over at Ellies Quilt Place

Amy's BOM Website

2010 BOM from Amy

UFO Challenge 2011

2011 UFO Challenge List

  • 1. 30's Sampler..I'm still working on this one!
  • 2. English Paper Piecing Baby Quilt-A Little of This A Little of That-flimsy completed 02-04-11, ready for quilting!
  • 3. Scrappy BOM - Flimsy completed 01-28-11, ready for quilting!
  • 4. Purple Stack and Whack- flimsy is together, ready for quilting
  • 5. Blue 9 Patches - flimsy is together, ready for quilting
  • 6. The Moose Quilt-still in pieces.
  • 7. Row By Row Quilt, quilted-binding is on but needs to be sewn down.
  • 8. Hexagon Magic- flimsy completed 02-01-11, ready for quilting!
  • 9. Santa Claus Quilt-ready for quilting.
  • 10. Hand Pieced Stars

2010 Finishes!!!

  • Nov 21-Oh, My Stars!
  • Oct 18- Boo Quilt
  • Oct 10 - Christmas Tree Quilt
  • Oct 10 -Turning Twenty (30's Repro) Quilt
  • Sept 25- Baked Alaska-quilt top for LQS
  • Sept 25 -Table Manners
  • Sept 20 - Dear Blanche
  • Sept 15 -Funny Flowers
  • Sept 7- Pink Toile Nursery Rhyme Quilt top for Carolyn
  • August 16- Plaid Teddy Bear
  • August 16-Red Heart Tablerunner
  • August 9 - Mother Goose
  • July 27-Autumn Braid Tablerunner
  • February 27- I Love to Fly-donation quilt
  • Feb 20 - Warm Fuzzies-Donation Quilt
  • Feb 7 - My Sewing Friends Quilt
  • Feb 1 - Nostalgic Garden Quilt
  • January 25 - Love Pillowcase for Alayna
  • January 12 - Pillowcases for Thomas Quilt

Quilting Bloggers

Whoop-Whoop Friday

Moda Bake Shop

Moda Bake Shop

Lynette Anderson's BOM

Photobucket-Dallas Quilt Show 2011

Free Quilt Patterns

I'm a slow poke too!

The Dear Jane Quilt

Great site for Crazy Quilt Patchwork


First Friday Freebie

Quilts For Kids Website


Linda-Quiltville block

Linda-Quiltville block

Fat Cat Patterns


Great tips of all kinds!

The Kind Hearted Pledge

Bargello Bowl

A Quiltville Mystery Quilt

Carolina Crossroads

Orange Crush

Double Delight - I want to make this one too...soon.

Carolina Christmas-I want to make one soon

A Tisket A Tasket BOM 2009

2009 Christmas Quilt for Patchalot Patterns

Christmas Sparkler 2008

Christmas Sparkler 2008
Free Pattern from Patchalot More.blogspot.com

My Word Cloud

Wordle: Untitled

My Rainbow

Your rainbow is intensely shaded green, white, and blue.


What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Charity Quilter

Charity Quilter

Jennifer Chiaverini Book Giveaway

Jennifer Chiaverini Book Giveaway
Click here to comment and enter the giveaway. Last day to enter is Nov. 30th!