Friday I took the day off and went to the great state fair of Texas. Me and another sweet lady, (Patty) did tatting demos all day at the Creative Arts Building. We had a lot of interest in the tatting and hopefully we will be having a lot more members come join our group. It was a lot of fun but we didn't even get a chance to walk around or eat either. So, Saturday, me and the hubs went to the fair and looked at all the displays in the Creative Arts Building (quilts, photos, tatting, crochet, knitting etc) and we played all day too. We will be doing more demos next year at the fair too. This was my 4th year to do this and it's fun. I'm always amazed at how many people say my Grandma used to do this. I'm also amazed at the men that are interested in it too. There were a lot of young people interested this year too. I'm really hoping they show up at our meeting so we can teach them to tat to pass on to the next generation. Fun times. Til next time, I hope you get some crafty time in.
I'd love to try one day
Oh, how wonderful. First that you went to the Texas State Fair. Second that you demonstrated an art that is hard to find in many places now. If I were there, I'd have you teach me to use a shuttle again - after I found my pretty sterling silver shuttle, of course. Third that you got to go back with your DH the next day and see things. That's the part I'm most jealous over. =)
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