I got up this morning and laid out the blocks on my design wall for that 2008 BOM I told you about in my last post. I love this quilt!!! I had to unsew some things because, guess what??? I didn't read the directions. I just went by the pictures mostly and I should not have done that with this quilt. I had to unsew two blocks as the directions said not to sew them together as they would be used for outside blocks...blah, blah, blah. The picture showed what the block would look like if it was a complete block. Ok, I'll give her that one. Anyway, I wasted a little time by not reading the directions but everything is as it should be now. The quilt is on my design wall and I have been working on putting the rows together today. I have stopped a few times for various reasons. I cleaned house a little and my MIL came over today and we planted two rows of potatoes. I also put a rosemary plant and a miniature rose bush into the ground that my sweet husband gave me for Valentine's Day. I'm not sure the rosemary plant will make it. It was pretty dry. I got it before Christmas and wanted to plant it but then the snow came and I didn't want to plant until warmer weather. Today is a beautiful, sunny day of 72 degrees. You heard me right, 72 degrees! Last week we had to have our coats and scarves, this week is flip flops and shorts. You've heard about the Texas weather, right? It's true....Anyway, my potatoes are in the ground, next comes squash, okra, tomatoes and radishes. I have to check and see when it's ok to plant these first. My soil is ready but I have to wait until it's time. I'll show you my garden when it gets pretty. Ok, everything is up to date now and I can go back to sewing. I already did something Bonnie said not to do. She said don't spend too much time in front of the computer. If you stay too long at the computer, you are not at the sewing machine....she's right but I have to document everything too. I haven't even had time to read blogs this week so please forgive me. I'll play catch up tomorrow and work on my CW too...
BTW, I broke down yesterday and bought me an Accuquilt Go Cutter. I bought the Hexagon templates too. I watched the DVD that comes with it. That was why I didn't go to Sit and Sew last night. I sat down and watched the DVD then I didn't want to get up from my chair. I haven't even played with the Go yet but next week will be better for me. I have no meetings next week except for tatting and Weight Watchers. I'll be sewing every night!!! So, have a great weekend and go sew!
Teaching Beginner Color
1 week ago
Welcome to the community of Bloggers with AccuQuilt products. Can't wait to see what you create with yours. I'm sure they will be beautiful.
72! What?!? We had a beautiful day here today too but I think it only got up to 45! But it was so nice, I forgot to put my coat on when I went outside. :)
You are going to love your GO! Did the hex die come with a dvd or is that separate? I just bought 5 new dies 2 are here, 3 more will be here by Thursday-I hope! Have fun with your sewing time! and garden time! I'm jealous! but I'm not moving to TX. ;)
We had beautiful sunny weather today too. Several days this week have been over 70 and I had pollen on my car today.
I received an Accuquilt Go for Christmas but just have not had the time to play with it. I need to do that!
We had snow again yesterday, just when I thought we could start getting out in the garden! Have fun with your sewing this week
You are so right, too much time at the computer, less time sewing.
I hope you love your Go cutter, I do mine.
Congrats on your new GO cutter! I'll be interested in seeing what all you do with it!
Wow, your garden sounds wonderful. I hope you will share some veggies! (Just kidding) Make sure your rosemary has good drainage. I lost mine a few years ago when we had a lot of rain. I can't wait to see pictures of your garden.
We had snow and rain yesterday and our high today was about 45! We are not able to get a garden going until mid to late May. I used to live in Texas and loved being able to get out and get my hands dirty by Easter at the latest!
I can't wait to hear about your GO. I have been thinking about getting one - mostly for the Hexi!
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