Here's my block 10 of the Marti Michell BOM I'm working on and my pillowcases.
Anyway, I went home, made the pillowcases and made my BOM for next month for this group. I sat down to eat lunch and afterwards worked on my block 8. I made the mistake of turning on the TV and I got interested in a movie so I continued working on my embroidery blocks. I finished block 8. I had to stop for awhile and make a dessert to take over to my son's house. We were going to watch the Cowboys game and have supper at their house. So I made a quick dessert...Rice Crispy Squares. I haven't made these in years and had forgotten how messy they can be. I had to laugh at myself cuz I had all these rice crispies on my hands and couldn't get them off. (Yes, I put butter on my hands but that didn't work too good for me.) So, I just decided to eat it off. I had forgotten how good these were! My DH came in and caught me doing this. He laughed at me and told me I had some on my nose. I did get it finally made and cut up. I wasn't sure if this was a good enough dessert to take over until I went over there. It was a big hit with my grands and son and DIL. I brought home an empty dish. After we put the kids to bed, I was able to work on block 9. I got it almost all done while there. Yeah, the Cowboys won too!
Sunday, I finished block 9 and started on block 10. I'm so happy to be finishing this project and my blocks look exactly like I want them. I'm on schedule with my blocks so far. Monday night, I finished block 10 and started block 11. I called my sister and told her I was working on block 11 and asked her how far along she was. Can you believe that she called me a dirty name? She said she had just finished block 1. I didn't remember that she only collected the blocks along the way and had never done any of the blocks. She said it might be Christmas before we had lunch to celebrate her finish... We'll see.
Here's blocks 8, 9 and 10...only 2 more and I can start putting together.
Til next time....
If I had just a bit of your dedication, I could accomplish so much! A block a month doesn't seem like much, but it's something I've never been able to accomplish. I look forward to seeing your finished quilts!
Wow, you have some beautiful blocks and I'm sure you'll have some gorgeous quilts. I love the block and the pillowcases. My DH is a Patriots fan so football season is pretty much over for him. It's almost time for baseball though, and he is still enjoying basketball.
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