Remember this one? This one is Dear Blanche and it is on my UFO list as number 2. It came back from the quilter a few weeks ago and I just laid it aside so I could work on other things. The binding is now on and ready to be hand sewn down...
This next one is Table Manners and it is ready to have the binding hand sewn down too....
I finished this one earlier in the week. It is on my UFO list as #8, known as Funny Flowers. I don't like the name but I'll think of something cute. I hand quilted this one just because I wanted to. You can't see the hand quilting but it made me feel good to do it. I love this little quilt because it is so happy. This is one of my favorite patterns for quick baby quilts. It is from the book, Easy Baby Quilts (an older book) and the pattern is called Will Work For Fabric. Don't you love that??? I have always liked this fun pattern. It makes up quick and you can hi-lite whatever cute fabric in the middle squares. Anyway, all I have to do to this one is put a label on it and I'll do that when I think of a cute name.
I made this friendship block for one of the girls in my small group. This one is for Rita...
I just love all the quilts you have shown...the first one is awesome!
Dear Blanche is just gorgeous!!
What are you plans for her? Are you keeping it for yourself (I hope!)
PS I slept through Friday Night Sewing :)
Linda, thanks for helping me...and geeeee you were really busy and got a lot done!! I just love your quilts..beautiful work. And I realize there's a lot for me to learn.
Well have a nice quilty Sunday.
I love your quilts. They are all very beautiful.
love the quilts! great job on all of them!
What beautiful quilts! :0)
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