Hello, everyone! Not alot of sewing going on this week. Too much to do...we've been helping move my oldest son and his family since last Saturday. They sold their house and bought a bigger house about three miles from their last one. They were supposed to close on both houses on Monday but that didn't happen. They were allowed to move their stuff into the double garage of the new house over the weekend, so that's what we did. They stayed with their in-laws until Wednesday and we moved them into the house after closing. I've tried to watch a little bit of the Olympics too and between watching that, watching the grandkids, moving and work, my sewing machine has been quiet. I will be changing that tonight though. I'm going to go to the church and sew with some friends and I'll update you on that tomorrow. I have also been looking or should I say, oohing and ahhing over all the wonderful Christmas ideas going on over at the blog hop. Wow, when am I going to find the time to make everything I want to make???? Ok, got to get busy and run. til next time, happy sewing!
MOving is hard work at the best of times, but having to do it like that is hard. Hope everyone is in now and can start to get settled
Moving is terrible - hope they get settled in with no problems. They're lucky to have family to help them.
I've been watching the Olympics every night, too.
How awful their closing was messed up... but I'm glad to hear they are in their new home at last! How wonderful they had a lot of family to help out with the move... makes all the difference in the world!
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