I was going to try to put a quilt on the machine last night and see what I could do but I just couldn't...I went upstairs, turned on the lights and walked over to the machine. I thought I would hook up the Sure Stitch on the machine and see if I could get it all set up. I kept hearing a buzz, buzz, buzzing sound...then I saw a bee on the light fixture. Then, there was another one flying around. I went back downstairs to get the fly swatter and see if I could find some hornet spray or bug spray --- I couldn't. I went back upstairs with my little flimsy fly swatter and then there were four little bees flying around. OMG, where are they coming from??? I shooed one of them out the window and then concentrated on the other three. They kept buzzing around the light fixture (now what's up with that anyway??? what's the attraction to the light source?) and when they would fly out, I would swat at them. I am not a good swatter and I finally decided it was not going to be a sewing night for me! I turned off the lights, shut the door and put a towel underneath the door so they couldn't sneak out. I turned the TV on and decided it was a tatting night instead!
When my husband came home we went upstairs and he took down the light fixture to see where the bees might be coming in from...Did you know that bees sleep at night? I guess they do cause there weren't any buzzing around. He put the light fixture back up and taped up some places around it that he thought they migh crawl through... He'll come back later and caulk or whatever to fix it permanently. He doesn't think it's a big deal since there were only four and I didn't hear alot of buzzing except for the four that got in. I'm going to go up tonight and see if I see anymore and hear any more buzzing. Hopefully, we don't have a hive or whatever in the attic. I've had wasps in my sewing room and I hate those too. I don't mind crawly bugs that you can kill easily but I hate flying things. They totally freak me out! My husband said it was a good thing I didn't have any bug spray cause I would have gotten that stuff everywhere and he's probably right. (He's seen me spray wasps outside with the spray.) I would have sprayed those little suckers until they couldn't fly anymore and I would have had to clean up alot more than it was worth for four little bees.
I have a quilt meeting tonight so it will be late when I come home. I won't be able to see if there are any bees tonight but Friday afternoon, I'll be able to tell. I'm hoping the situation is taken care of but time will tell. I'll let you know if I can sew in my sewing room or have to bring a machine downstairs! Til next time...
Teaching Beginner Color
3 weeks ago
lol, hope they have gone so you can get to do your sewing. I don't like wasps, but I do like bees,
yup....bees kinda give me the heebie-jeebies too! Something about the buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing that swoops past your ear; makes me turn into an instant crazy-dance-prancin'-machine :0)
Happy "bee-free" sewing!!! {{crossing fingers}}
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